Basic Information

Great Lakes Invitational 2.0


Another invitational quiz?  Yep, that's right! 

Many years ago we started the Great Lakes invitational because there was no invitational quiz on our region in January, and because we wanted to have a quiz that helped teens to go deeper both as disciples of Jesus and as competitive Bible quizzers.  We wanted it to be more than just showing up for some quiz rounds and hopefully taking home a trophy. 

The quiz had to come to an end when we moved both out of state and off the region - but guess what?  We're back!  And, so is the GLI, this time in September because, well, there is no early-season invitational quiz on our region in September, so, why not?

 We have many ideas for future editions of the GLI, but to get us started for the GLI 2.0, here is what you can expect:

*Quizzing on both Friday night and Saturday - a *minimum* of 8 preliminary rounds.



*Spiritual Formation Stories:

            Each team that registers will be asked to have a minimum of 1 of their quizzers write a brief (1-2 page) essay on "How God

            is shaping and forming me (or us) through the book of Acts."

            We encourage all quizzers to take the time to share their thoughts on how Jesus is working in them through the study

            of the Scriptures, but we will only "require" one per team, which can also be a collaborative, team effort if you so desire. 

            We will select 3 that really impress us and you will have the opportunity to read your story (or have it read) so that the

            rest of us can share and rejoice in what God is doing in and through you and/or your team!


            Ever wanted to quiz on the same team with 3 or 4 of your quizzing "BFF's", but couldn't, because you were on

            different local teams, different districts, or even different regions?            

            Now you can!  At the GLI, local teams are welcomed and encouraged, but create-a-team's are also highly encouraged! 
            This is your opportunity to quiz with whoever you want to at an invitational level quiz!


*Up to 3 Divisions of Quizzing:            "Basic", "Intermediate", and "Advanced"

            Eligibility & Information:

           *General Eligibility:                  "Normal" quiz eligibility:  You must be *either* ages 12-18 *or* in grades 6-12 to quiz!  If you
                                                         have a question about a particular circumstance, please ask!

           *Basic Division:                        No quizzers who have made a District All-Star Team (either A or B) in the past may quiz in
                                                          the Basic Division.

                                                          Basic Division will have its own tournament, top team and top individual awards.

                                                          There must be a minimum of 5 teams registered in this division for us to have this division, 

                                                          otherwise all teams registered for this division will quiz in the Intermediate Division.

            *Intermediate Division:              No quizzers who have made a Regional All-Star Team (either A or B) in the past may quiz
                                                          in the "Intermediate" division.

                                                          Intermediate and Advanced Division teams will quiz *together* in the preliminary rounds                                                           but will each have separate Intermediate and Advanced Division Tournaments and awards
                                                          for top teams and individuals.

            *Advanced Division:                 Any and all quizzers may quiz in the "Advanced" Division, *if*  they so choose to take on
                                                          the challenge!

                                                         Intermediate and Advanced Division teams will quiz *together* in the preliminary rounds                                                          but will each have separate Intermediate and Advanced Division Tournaments and awards
                                                         for top teams and individuals.


            In Each Division:                     Top 4 Teams (1 Team Trophy, Medals for each Team Member)

                                                         Top 10 Individuals (1-5 Trophies, 6-10 Medals)

            Across Divisions:                    Best Memory Verse percentage (minimum avg. 1 attempt/rd)

                                                         Best Situation Question percentage (minimum 3 total attempts)           

                                                         Best Context Question percentage (minimum 3 total attempts)

                                                         Best General Question percentage (minimum avg. 2 attempts/rd)

                                                         Best According To percentage (minimum avg. 1 attempt/rd)

                                                         Best Bonus percentage (minimum 3 total attempts)

                                                                 *Ties for all "best" awards broken by total number correct.

                                                         Secret Random Awards that we can't tell you about yet!


*Housing:                         No housing will be provided this year for the quiz.  A list of area hotels will be made available soon!



          *Friday Night:         We will be selling Little Caesar's Pizza for $1/slice - please tell us in advance if you plan to purchase

                                       pizza and approximately how much! Any profits raised will go towards helping local churches send their

                                       students to NYC '15 in Louisville, KY!

          *Friday & Saturday: Snacks & Drinks will be available for purchase.  Again, any profits raised will go towards NYC '15!

          *No meals will be served Saturday.  A map/list of area restaurants will be made available soon and at the quiz!


*Offering:                           An offering will be taken to help fund quizzing ministries around the world.  Details TBA.               


*Registration Cost:             $30 per team, $25 for the second team and beyond, payable at the quiz OR in advance. 

*Payment Name/Address:   Checks should be made to:   Lisa Michaels

                                         Checks should be sent to:    4252 S. Center Dr., Howell, MI, 48855

*Registration Deadline:        September 22nd, 2014, 11:59 PM


*Location/Date/Times:         Centerpointe Nazarene Church, Howell, MI

                                         Friday, September 26th and Saturday, September 27th, 2014

                                         Start/End times TBA (expect between 6-7 PM Friday and 5-6 PM Saturday)

*Material Covered:               Acts 1-5


*Questions?:                       E-mail us @

                                          Or Call/Text 765-480-4122 (Lisa Michaels) or 765-480-4124 (Phil Michaels)

                                          OR visit our Facebook page at: